Friday, 26 June 2020

Lock down video

I got my photos off my gmail because mum sent them to me. I made a we video it was very fun because I put my photos on to we video and I recorded my voice on we video to.


  1. hi zephyr i am looking ford to watiching it at home

  2. Kia ora Zephyr,
    Wow, it sure sounds like you had an extremely fun and exciting time in your bubble!
    Playing the nintendo switch and minecraft would have been excellent ways to fill in some spare time, and it is so cool how you built a big house on your minecraft game!
    How big was the house that you built?
    What kind of materials did you use to build it?
    Did you include any bedrooms or bathrooms?
    It would be awesome if you could reply to this comment and let me know!
    Doing a scavenger hunt for school would have been so much fun, and it is awesome to hear how you were able to find everything on your list!
    Scavenger hunts are always something I have enjoyed, and I specifically liked the ‘Eye Spy’ books when I was younger. They are very similar to a scavenger hunt, however there are a million different items on a page all linked to a theme, and you are given a list of things to find.
    Have you ever read/played the ‘Eye Spy’ books?
    I can imagine how exciting it would have been to build a castle with your dad, and it is even more exciting to hear how you were able to sleep in it for the night!
    Was your castle hard to build?
    How did you manage to keep it up while you slept in it for the night?
    If you were to make a castle again, what would you do differently and why?
    Keep blogging, you’re doing a fantastic job!
    Nga mihi


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.